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Showing posts from October, 2007

Programmers please

Why OH Why? Do people share HTML code saying feel free to adapt this code etc...and then they don't put in any comments.....consequently by the time you've figured out which bit does what you could have written the code yourself! DOH!

more smoking myths debunked

Put that in your pipe and smoke it! During the time period from October 1959 through February 1960, the American Cancer Society enrolled men in a smoker survey, described in the Report as the "Men in 25 States" study. Female volunteers were each asked to pick ten families among their acquaintances, each with at least one person over the age of 45, and study them to find out whether they would die during the survey period and, specifically, whether they would die from lung cancer. There were 448,000 useable replies, representing 448,000 men between the ages of 35 and 89. We don't know how many replies were rejected as unusable because each volunteer was free to use her own criteria. We also don't know how many smokers were studied as opposed to non-smokers because the results, published in the 1964 Surgeon General's Report, don't furnish that information. We do know that during the approximately 22 months that the survey lasted, there were 11,612 deaths...

smoking myths debunked 1

There is no correlation between smoking and life expectancy WHO and the CIA: Top 15 Male Life Expectancies LE (years) Smokers prevalence (%) 1. Iceland 76.6 (1994) 31.0 (1994) 2. Japan 76.5 (1994) 59.0 (1994) 3. Costa Rica 75.9 (1994) 35.0 (1988) 4. Israel 75.9 (1994) 45.0 (1990) 5. Sweden 75.5 (1994) 22.0 (1994) 6. Greece 75.2 (1994) 46.0 (1994) 7. Switzerland 74.8 (1994) 36.0 (1992) 8. Netherlands 74.7 (1994) 36.0 (1994) 9. Canada 74.7 (1994) 31.0 (1991) 10. Cuba 74.7 (1994) 49.3 (1990) 11. Australia 74.5 (1994) 29.0 (1993) 12. Spain 74.5 (1994) 48.0 (1993) 13. Malta 74.5 (1994) 40.0 (1992) 14. Italy 74.4 (1994) 38.0 (1994) 15. France 74.3 (1994) 40.0 (1993) USA 72.6 (1994) 28.1 (1991) If, as the anti smokers postulate, smoking is a deadly "addiction", trimming years off the life of the smoker, how do they explain such examples as Japan, Israel, G...
and people still say smoking isn't sexy!
JustSayHi - Free Personals

Free Speech

"Without free speech no search for truth is possible... no discovery of truth is useful... Better a thousandfold abuse of free speech than denial of free speech. The abuse dies in a day, but the denial slays the life of the people, and entombs the hope of the race." -- Charles Bradlaugh


The good Christian should beware of mathematicians and all those who make empty prophecies. The danger already exists that mathematicians have made a covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and confine man in the bonds of Hell. St. Augustine