I haven't posted about fish-keeping before on this blog. So , I thought I'd describe the set-up in my two main tanks:- 4 ft cold/temperate tank One Ryukin (Miss )Piggy Malone( aka Doris) A Moor named Jet (juv male) An Oranda called Rocket (juv male) 6 baby apple snails planted with Amazon swords --------------------------------------------- 3 ft tropical tank 2 Bristlenoses Charley Farley(m) & Skitter (f) 4 Adult Apple Snails 8 neon tetras 2 Fire-Red Honey Dwarf Gourami: 6 Black Neon Tetra 2 Red Cherry Shrimp 2 Dwarf African Aquatic Frog Planted with Anubias & Amazon Swords ---------------------------------------------------- I shall add to this given time-constraints