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Smoking Olympics

Apparently seven out of ten athletes at the recent Peking olympic Games enjoyed a ciggie
they seem to have set a few records tho ! Another smoking myth dispelled !


I haven't blogged for a while as I've been catching up on my reading

Here follows a list of books that i've read over the past month or so, yes i am a bit of an insomniac
Thomas,the other gospel..............N.Perrin

A review of present thomas scholarship. a stimulating read 9/10

epic poetry by a master craftsman 10/10
Cider with Rosie..............laurie lee

a truly wonderful story of a childhood, perfectly realised in beautiful prose 10/10
Evening in the Palace of Reason....james Gaines

this book is shite 0/10
surfeit of lampreys.........Ngaio Marsh

surprisingly good whodunnit 7/10
39 steps......John Buchan

cracking yarn 7/10
Tropic of Ruislip......Leslie Thomas

well crafted nonsense 6/10
The adventures of Goodnight and loving......Leslie Thomas

superior crap 6/10
Coral Island.......RM Ballantyne

good stuff 7/10
Alfie...Bill Naughten

dated and depressing but an outstanding example of its genre 7/10
Zimmermen.....Marcus Berkman

top-rate book about grown men's obsession with playing cricket badly. 8/10
All About Anthrax...Ross Fitzgerald

this book is well weird 10/10
lord Jim...Conrad

this bloke can write 10/10
Continental Drifter.....Tim Moore

well written travelogue 9/10
Seven Pillars of Wisdom.....TE Lawrence

this is a classic...worth reading for chapter 100 alone 10/10
The man who would be King

a tad old fashioned.. ripping yarn 5/10
The Rainbow...DH Lawrence

tedious 5/10


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