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Showing posts from February, 2009

Just not cricket


Hitler a view from 21C Britain

I am beginning to think that Adolph Hitler was just this mixed-up guy, a little mis-understood perhaps, because even he wasn't as morally bankrupt as NuLabour. Mind you Hitler was an anti-smoking Faschist, now remind me was it the clean living Hitler cowering in the bunker, or the chain-smoking Churchill? Anyway; Brown& Blair are cunts , their fathers should have shot into handkerchiefs and done the world a favour.

Europe_Get Stuffed

What distinguished the 20th century from all the others of the last millennium ? Answer: The 20th century was the only century in which we were not at war with France. Small wonder it was such a fuck-up. What this country needs is a good war with those fucking frog-bastards NOW! .


A Smoking Gun

1. Why does smoking prevalence increase wherever smoker bans are enacted? 2. Why do heart attacks increase wherever smoker bans are enacted? 3. Why do we only ever see increases in asthma rates despite the massively reduced exposure to SHS worldwide? 4. The phenomenon known as "Air rage" kicked in right after smoking was banned on airplanes. Is there a connection? 5. Contagious diseases became much more prevalent in aircraft when smoking was banned on airplanes. Is there a connection? 6. As more and more people are coerced into quitting smoking, obesity rates shoot through the roof. Why is that? 7. Smoking had declined dramatically over the last fifteen years, but dementia cases grew exponentially. Why is that? 8. The hospitality industry suffers from mass closures whenever and wherever smoker bans are enacted. Why would that be? 9. Politicians go blind, deaf and dumb when we ask them if they are aware of the carnage. Can they genuinely NOT see what is happening? 10. SHS has ...